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Осип Эмильевич Мандельштам.
Перевод стихотворения Медлительнее снежный улей на английский язык.

More Sluggish the Snowy Hive

More sluggish the snowy hive,
clearer the window’s crystal,
on a chair, a turquoise veil,
thrown there, carelessly, lies.

A tissue, self-intoxicated,
as if it never felt winter’s
touch, experiencing summer’s,
by its own delicacy, caressed:

and, if in icy diamonds
frost is eternally streaming,
here — it’s dragonflies flickering,
blue-eyed, living, and gone. 

Перевод: Энтони Клайн (1947)

A Snow Hive Cleaner Than the Air

A snow hive cleaner than the air,
Crystal more see-through than the glass
A turquoise veil adorned with brass
Carelessly tossed upon a chair.

A cloth made drunk of her own glow
Caressed by tenderness of light
Experienced the summer bright
As though it were the winter snow.

And if through diamonds made of ice
Frosts of eternities were streaming
Here is the flutter of the dreaming
Fast-living blue-eyed dragonflies.

Перевод: Илья Шамбат

The Snowy Hive Is Slower

The snowy hive is slower,
the window’s crystal more transparent,
and a turquoise veil
lies carelessly thrown on a chair.

The cloth, intoxicated with itself,
is softened by the light’s caress,
it experiences summer
as if winter had not touched it;

and if in icy diamonds
the frost of eternity streams,
here there is the quivering of dragonflies,
quick-living, blue-eyed.

Перевод: Дэвид Макдафф (1945)

Медлительнее снежный улей

Медлительнее снежный улей,
Прозрачнее окна хрусталь,
И бирюзовая вуаль
Небрежно брошена на стуле.

Ткань, опьяненная собой,
Изнеженная лаской света,
Она испытывает лето,
Как бы не тронута зимой;

И, если в ледяных алмазах
Струится вечности мороз,
Здесь - трепетание стрекоз
Быстроживущих, синеглазых.

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