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Николай Степанович Гумилёв.
Перевод стихотворения Андрей Рублев на английский язык.

Andrei Rublev

It is my firm and sweet conviction,
Directed by monastic art,
This woman’s face is heaven’s depiction
To Promised One by Maker’s heart.

Her nose, like tree trunk, tall and slender,
Unfurls the arches of her brows
Above expression stern yet tender,
Like bending of a date-palm’s boughs.

Her eyes like sirins ’neath the branches,
Prophetic, sweetly seem to sing,
They deftly tell tale’s circumstances,
Disclose soul’s secrets on the wing.

Like heaven’s vault – her open forehead;
Above her curls appear like cloud;
And gentle seraphs, charming, timid,
With wings are brushing head unbowed.

And there beneath the tree, red’s smother –
Her lips are daubed with Eden’s shade,
The tint that tempted Eve our mother
To break the covenant she had made.

Andrei Rublev wrote all this for me
With brilliant brush’s artful prod,
And in this sad life’s labour’s torment
I find that I’ve been blessed by God. 

Перевод: Руперт Моретон

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